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    Unmasking the True Cost of the Cleaning and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industries

    Unmasking the True Cost of the Cleaning and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industries

    It costs the NHS £387 million to treat patients with lung cancer each year. There is a clear link between lung cancer and smoking, however, a little-known and understood contributor to this disease is also lurking in household cleaning products. These products, which churn out harmful toxins (VOCs) into the air, are causing breathing problems, skin irritation and lung damage, putting strain on our already underfunded healthcare system.  

    This is an example of understanding the True Cost behind not only the products we procure and sell but also the ongoing costs of repairing the damage they are causing to our health, our community, and the environment.  

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    International Cat Day and the Importance of Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products

    International Cat Day and the Importance of Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products

    Celebrated annually on 8th August, International Cat Day, also known as World Cat Day, is a global observance dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about cat welfare.

    The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) launched International Cat Day in 2002 and since then it has gained popularity and recognition, with cat lovers, animal organisations and social platforms joining in the celebration.

    The purpose of International Cat Day is multifaceted. Firstly, it aims to raise awareness about the various issues that cats face, including stray cat populations, abandonment, and mistreatment. It encourages people to consider adopting cats from shelters or rescue organisations and promotes responsible pet ownership.

    Secondly, International Cat Day celebrates the companionship and joy that cats bring to our lives. It acknowledges their unique personalities, playful nature, and the deep bond they form with their human counterparts. It's a day to spoil our feline friends with love, treats, toys, and extra attention.

    Moreover, International Cat Day serves as an opportunity to educate the public about cat care, health, and behaviour. It provides a platform to share important information on topics such as proper nutrition, regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, spaying/neutering and creating a safe home environment for cats.


    Keeping our homes safe for cats

    Pets make a house a home, but they also make a home dirtier, whether it's mud and dirt from outside, unforeseen accidents on floors, or their hair everywhere. As pet owners, we understand the challenges of maintaining a clean and safe environment for both our furry friends and our families. Unfortunately, many cleaning products on the market contain harmful chemicals that can pose a risk to our beloved pets. 

    At Delphis Eco, we are committed to providing pet-friendly cleaning products that are effective, safe for your pets, and safe for you.


    Why Choose Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products?

    When it comes to cleaning our homes, it's essential to be mindful of the products we use, especially if we have pets. Our furry companions are curious creatures and often come into direct contact with the surfaces we clean. Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals, such as ammonia, bleach, phthalates and phosphates, which can be toxic to animals. Pets can inadvertently ingest or inhale these substances, leading to various health issues, including skin irritations, respiratory problems, or even poisoning. By opting for pet-friendly cleaning products, we can protect our four-legged friends while maintaining a clean and healthy living space.

    Delphis Eco: Leading the Way in Pet-Friendly Cleaning

    We’ve made it our mission to provide environmentally friendly cleaning solutions that are also pet-friendly. We understand that pets are an integral part of our lives and their safety should be a top priority. Our range of pet-friendly cleaning products ensures your cleaning routine doesn't put your pets at risk. By using our products, you can enjoy a clean home without compromising the well-being of your furry companions.

    Benefits of Delphis Eco Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products

    • Non-Toxic Formulas: Delphis Eco's cleaning products are formulated without harmful chemicals, ensuring the safety of your pets. We prioritise using natural, plant-based ingredients, which are gentle on surfaces and kind to the environment
    • Effective Cleaning: Our eco-friendly approach doesn’t mean loss of effectiveness. Delphis Eco's products are highly effective at tackling dirt, stains, and odours. From pet-safe floor cleaners to multi-surface polishes, our range covers all your cleaning needs without compromising on performance
    • Biodegradable and Aquatic-Friendly: We’re not only concerned with the welfare of our animals at home but also those outside; especially in our oceans and waterways. It’s hugely important to use products which break down naturally, and quickly, and don’t leave lasting damage to our local ecosystems. 

    Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners:

    • Choose wisely: when purchasing cleaning products, always look for those labelled as pet-friendly or safe for animals. Read the labels carefully to ensure the absence of harmful chemicals
    • Keep pets away during the cleaning process, it's best to keep your pets in a separate area to prevent accidental contact with cleaning solutions. Once the surfaces have dried and the area is safe, you can allow your pets to roam freely
    • Regular Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance can help reduce the amount of pet hair, dander, and dirt in your home. Vacuuming frequently, using lint rollers, and grooming your pets regularly can also significantly minimise the mess.

    Maintaining a clean and pet-friendly home is crucial for the well-being of both your furry friends and your family. With Delphis Eco's range of pet-friendly cleaning products, you can ensure a safe and clean living environment.

    Share your cat pics with us on Instagram using #DelphisEcoCats

    Got a pic to share of your cat alongside some Delphis Eco Cleaning products? Post them up on Instagram with the hashtag #DelphisEcoCats and give us a follow @DelphisEco and we’ll repost our favourites! Continue reading

    Discover the Top 7 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Habits for Plastic-Free July!

    Discover the Top 7 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Habits for Plastic-Free July!

    Are you ready to take on the plastic-free July challenge but worried about maintaining a clean home without plastic-based cleaning products? We've got you covered! In this guide, we'll share the essential tips and habits to keep your home sparkling clean while making a positive impact on the planet throughout this important month.

    1. Opt for Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is the easiest and quickest change you can make. At Delphis Eco, our sustainably sourced and less harmful cleaning solutions are as effective as conventional products, ensuring a clean home without compromising the environment.

    2. Embrace Compostable Bin Bags: Ditch plastic bin bags and opt for compostable alternatives made from plant-based materials. By doing so, you'll prevent harmful chemicals from seeping into landfills, as these bags decompose naturally within six months.

    3. Reuse and Refill Spray Bottles: Be environmentally conscious by reusing old cleaning spray bottles. At Delphis Eco we offer a range of refill options made from recycled plastic, reducing carbon emissions by an impressive 70%. Simply refill your spray bottles with our eco-friendly cleaning solutions and minimise plastic waste.

    4. Plastic-Free Scrubbers: Explore plastic-free scrubbers that offer antimicrobial properties without the environmental impact. Bamboo, coconut coir, and plant fiber scrubbers are excellent alternatives, providing durability and effective cleaning power.

    5. Try Laundry Detergent Strips: Opt for innovative laundry detergent strips packaged in minimal, compostable materials. Look for brands that use biodegradable ingredients, ensuring a clean laundry without harmful chemicals. Always check the labels for eco-friendly certifications.

    6. Swap Disposable Wipes for Hemp Cleaning Cloths: Say goodbye to disposable cleaning cloths and microfibre alternatives. Reusable hemp cleaning cloths are washable and biodegradable, providing a sustainable option without compromising cleanliness.

    7. Consider Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services like Cleaning Express: If time constraints make professional cleaning services a necessity, opt for local cleaners who can commute by walking or cycling. Request that they use your eco-friendly cleaning solutions and equipment to maintain your sustainable lifestyle.

    Achieving an eco-friendly cleaning routine is easier than you think. With the right cleaning solutions and sustainable equipment, you can maintain a clean home without harsh chemicals while contributing to a healthier planet. Make a positive impact this Plastic-Free July and discover that sustainable cleaning is both effective and rewarding.

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    It's Plastic-Free July!

    It's Plastic-Free July!

    Globally, only 9% of plastics are recycled each year. So, what happens to the plastic that is not recycled? Did you know that Europe consumes 4-6% of its oil and gas resources in the production of plastics? According to WRAP, it takes a whopping 75% less energy to make a plastic bottle from recycled materials compared to producing it from scratch. But what would happen if we increase our recycling efforts and build a circular economy to reduce plastic waste?

    Wait… What's the Buzz About a Circular Economy? 

    Imagine a world where nothing goes to waste! That's the magic of a circular economy. It's a regenerative system that aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value while minimising waste generation. When it comes to plastic waste, a circular economy focuses on creating a closed-loop system where plastic is recycled, reused, or repurposed instead of ending up in landfills or polluting our beautiful oceans. And that is exactly what we do at Delphis Eco. Did you know that so far, in 2023, we have saved a whopping 19,709kg of virgin plastic from being produced? Not only this but through using recycled plastic material, we have avoided an outstanding 30 tonnes of CO2 from being emitted. **

    The Plastic Problem

    Plastic waste is like a villain threatening our environment. Huge amounts of it end up in landfills, and sadly, many find their way into our oceans. This pollution harms our beloved marine life, disrupts delicate ecosystems, and contributes to the global environmental crisis. Embracing a circular economy for plastic is the key to breaking this harmful cycle.

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

     In a circular economy, we can do our bit by reducing our plastic consumption. By making mindful choices and opting for sustainable alternatives, we can minimise the amount of plastic waste generated in the first place. And when plastic waste does come knocking, recycling swoops in to save the day!

    Innovations in Plastic Recycling

    To make the circular economy for plastic a reality, we need cutting-edge recycling technologies and infrastructure. Think advanced sorting systems, high-tech recycling processes, and brilliant innovations that turn old plastic into new treasures. These superpowers help us transform discarded plastics into raw materials for new products, reducing the demand for virgin materials and the environmental impact of plastic production.

    Rethinking Consumption and Design 

    A circular economy inspires us to rethink how we consume and design products. Manufacturers play a key role by creating easily recyclable items, using recycled content, or exploring fantastic biodegradable materials. By supporting these eco-friendly products, we ignite the growth of a circular economy and reduce plastic waste in style.

    So this Plastic-Free July, let's rethink our consumption of plastic and opt to buy PCR plastic, just like our Delphis bottles, made from recycled milk bottles, which are 100% recyclable. By recycling plastic waste, reducing our plastic consumption, and redesigning products with recyclability in mind, we can steer clear of landfills and protect our breathtaking oceans. Let's join forces, spread the word, and create a future where plastic waste is minimised. Together, we can make a lasting impact for generations to come. Let the adventure begin!

    ** Disclaimer: Our calculations have been independently verified by Climate Partner.

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    Litter Picking on Environment Day 🌍

    Litter Picking on Environment Day 🌍

    Today, we're here to talk about an important day that deserves all our attention and action—Environment Day! 🌍✨ On environment day, our team were joined by BM caterers on an organised litter pick at Vauxhall pleasure gardens in London to raise awareness and clean up the park. But why is picking up your litter important for our environment?

    You might be thinking, "Come on, picking up a little bit of trash won't make a difference." But it does! Let's dive into why it's so crucial to be mindful of our rubbish and how it can harm our beloved aquatic life. 🐠🐢🦀.

    When we leave our rubbish either in a park, on the street or at the beach, it eventually finds its way into the ocean, creating a treacherous cycle. Sea creatures mistake our trash for food or get tangled up in it, leading to injury, suffocation, and even death. 

    But here's the good news: each one of us has the power to make a change! By simply picking up our own rubbish and encouraging others to do the same, we can prevent this environmental catastrophe. It's time to become litter-picking superheroes! 

    Next time you're at the beach, in a park, or anywhere in nature, take a moment to pause and look around. If you spot some litter, be the hero who picks it up and tosses it into the nearest bin. You'll not only be saving the environment but also setting a great example for others to follow.

    So, let's make a pledge to be responsible and do our part in keeping our planet clean. Spread the word, organise litter-picking events, and share the importance of disposing of rubbish properly. So let's clean up and save the sea, one piece of litter at a time! 🌊🌍

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    It's Compost Day!

    It's Compost Day!
    It's Composting Day, a perfect occasion to celebrate the practice of reducing waste and creating nutrient-rich soil for your plants. Composting is a simple process that anyone can do, and with a few tricks and tips, you can make it even more effective. What better way to begin your composting journey than by incorporating sustainable household products like the Composty’s pop-up sponges into your routine? Composty's sponges are crafted from 100% natural cellulose, derived from wood pulp. These eco-friendly sponges can be thrown into your compost pile along with your food waste, ensuring they break down naturally over time. To enhance your composting experience, we'd like to share some of our best composting tips with you! Choose the right compost bin: Selecting the appropriate compost bin is crucial for successful composting. Consider options such as a traditional compost bin, a tumbling composter, or even a worm composting system. Choose the bin that suits your space, budget, and lifestyle. Add the right ingredients: To create nutrient-rich soil, incorporate the right ingredients into your compost bin. This includes brown materials like leaves and twigs, green materials like food scraps and grass clippings, and water. Aim for a 2:1 ratio of brown to green materials, and maintain proper moisture levels without making the compost too wet. Avoid certain items: While composting is an excellent waste reduction method, it's important to avoid certain items in your compost bin. These include meat, dairy, oily foods, pet waste, weeds, and diseased plants. These items can attract pests, generate unpleasant odours, and slow down the composting process. Use compostable sponges like our friends at Composty: Incorporating compostable sponges, such as those offered by Composty, helps reduce waste and enhances the effectiveness of your composting process. These sponges are crafted from natural materials like cellulose and cotton, and they can be composted alongside your food scraps and other organic materials. Turn your c?ompost regularly: Regularly turning your compost is essential for proper aeration and speeding up the decomposition process. Use a pitchfork or compost-turning tool to mix the materials and promote airflow. Aim to turn your co mpost at least once a week, or more frequently if you notice slow decomposition. Patience is key: Composting requires patience. Depending on your compost bin and the materials used, it may take several months to a year for your compost to be fully ready. However, the end result is well worth the wait—nutrient-rich soil that will nourish your plants and promote their growth. By following these simple tips, you can save money, reduce waste, and create nutrient-rich soil for your beloved plants. Composting is a straightforward and effective way to make a positive impact on the environment. This National Compost Day, we are delighted to collaborate with Composty to offer our followers a chance to win an Eco BBQ Bundle featuring a range of Composty's eco-friendly sponges. Head over to our Instagram page for the rules on how to enter. Happy Compost Day! Continue reading

    The Coronation

    The Coronation

    As a proud Royal Warrant holder, we are honoured to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and with the coronation of King Charles just around the corner, it's more important than ever that we focus on sustainability. As millions of people around the world gather to watch the coronation,  let's set a positive example for sustainability. By simply using eco-friendly cleaning products, we can reduce our environmental impact and show the world that we're serious about promoting sustainable practices. The future Monarch, King Charles, has been a long-time champion for environmental protection and sustainability, so it's important that we support his efforts by caring more about our environment.

    And what better way to do that than by using eco-friendly cleaning products to tidy up after those street parties? To celebrate, we are introducing our brand new Street Party Bundle that's perfect for your post-party clean-up. And the best part? It's eco-friendly, so you can feel good about making a positive impact on the environment while you clean up.

    Our street party bundle includes a range of eco-friendly cleaning products that are tough on dirt and grime but gentle on the planet. From multi-surface cleaners to glass cleaners to disinfectant sprays, our bundle has everything you need to get your streets looking spick and span again after a wild party.

    But it's not all about the coronation and street parties– sustainability is important for the long haul. As an ambassador for sustainable practices, King Charles will encourage positive change in areas like renewable energy, waste reduction, and conservation. By using eco-friendly cleaning products, we can all support these efforts and create a better, more sustainable world. So let's all do our part to promote sustainability, protect the environment, and create a healthier world for ourselves and future generations. 

    So whether you are hosting a street party, a house party or you want to celebrate by becoming more sustainable, let's make a positive impact on the environment while we clean up after our epic street parties!

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    Eco-Friendly 2023

    Eco-Friendly 2023

    This January, we have listed our top tips to make your new year more eco-friendly. By simply swapping some of your day-to-day habits and purchases, you will be well on your way to a planet conscious 2023.


    It all starts at home.

    When cleaning after the holidays, our products are the ones to choose to stop the nasty chemicals from getting into the environment, impacting your health and the health of aquatic life. But what a great way to go that one step further and switch your cleaning equipment to compostable alternatives, like Seep's ones. Seep offer a range of compostable gloves, sponges and even bine liners to help you keep on top of your eco-cleaning and ensure that no micro-plastics go out into the environment.

    Planning a holiday?

    This year choose a conscious stay away with the planet in mind. Room2 by The Lamington group is the world's first hometel brand moving to fully net zero. We are delighted to support their business in becoming more sustainable by providing them with our planet-friendly range of cleaning products!

    Skin and Beauty

    Switch your skin and beauty products to products with natural ingredients and recycled packaging like the ones offered by Grumm! They even provide a razor cartridge recycling scheme, taking care of the recycling for you. From purifying Facial cleansing bars to Beard Wash bars, they have all your necessities to leave you fresh this January without compromising. 

    Dining out!

    We know this month's focus is mainly on your health, so why not treat yourself to delicious and healthy food at the Apricity restaurant in London? Apricity is a sustainable restaurant offering a conscious dining experience from its menu to its dishes; they have the environment in mind. 

    Giving back

    With the cost of living at an all-time low this January, families around the country are struggling to eat. So this January, why not give back to charities like The Felix Project? The Felix Project is a charity that distributes surplus food to vulnerable people in the UK and is a great way to give back this January.

    Need more inspiration for an eco-friendly 2023? Why not try the 'In Good Company' app? Wherever you are in the UK, this app finds you trusted and reviewed shops- from social enterprise coffee shops and sustainable restaurants to zero-waste shops and even eco hair salons. All your options at the click of a button! To download, please click here.

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    How to reduce your impact on the environment this Christmas?

    How to reduce your impact on the environment this Christmas?

     Christmas… A time for families to come together, exchange gifts and eat to their heart's content. But what impact does our overindulgence and shopping habits have on the environment? During the holiday season our carbon footprint is 6% more than the rest of the year, so how can we make our Christmas a little bit greener? Every pound you spend this Christmas is a vote for the world you want to create, so here are Delphis Eco's top tips for a Christmas that doesn't cost the Earth.  


    Should you go for the real tree or get the plastic one out of the loft? 

    Every year there is a debate about whether people should ditch their real tree and go for a fake one. Or ditch the Christmas tree altogether. Research has found seven million trees are thrown out every year in the UK, releasing copious amounts of methane into the atmosphere. Artificial trees can be reused on average 7-20 times, which is better for the environment as it saves fresh trees from being chopped down and can save you money! 


    But if you want to buy a real tree, know that the carbon footprint is lower than that of an artificial one. A popular alternative is opting for potted trees, which can be reused and replanted. Another option is replanting your Christmas tree in your garden or converting your old tree into beneficial woodchip mulch by putting it through a shredder which can reduce its carbon footprint by up to 80%. It's a win-win! 


    Spread the Christmas magic 

    At Christmas, we know the pressure is on to buy the perfect present for your nearest and dearest, but just under a half of us Brits admit that we have received gifts we don't or will never use. But the only good can come from buying gifts from small businesses, being mindful of sustainability and going for gifts with less packaging. 


    According to we use enough card packaging (and material) at Christmas to cover Big Ben nearly 260,000 times. That is mind-boggling! Were you aware that to make 1 tonne of paper, around 24 trees must be cut down? So why not get creative by making e-cards to send your Christmas wishes by text if you want to give a great gift to the planet? 


    The main event 

    Christmas is the ultimate time to overindulge by eating our body weight in pigs in blankets or stuffing. But all that overindulgence means that around 270,000 tonnes of food are thrown away at Christmas every year. That's five million Christmas puddings, seventy-four million mince pies and two million turkeys, according to the Big Issue. And if that statistic doesn't make you want to spit out your eggnog, the government reckons that the number of poultry we throw away yearly is enough to make eight hundred million Boxing Day curries. Unbelievably, a herd of 636,000 reindeer weighs the same carrots thrown away by UK households annually.  


    Fareshare is a charity network focused on reliving food poverty and food waste in the UK, was awarded 1.9 million pounds in 2019 from Defra. With the funding, Fareshare could redistribute even more food to those who need it. Their work also prevented 2,000 frozen turkeys from Gressingham Foods from going to waste in 2019, almost double the number redistributed the year before. So why not donate some of your leftovers to them? 



    What actions are we taking to do our bit? 

    Around 114,000 tonnes of plastic packaging will be thrown away and not recycled in the UK this Christmas – which is more than the weight of 3.3 million Emperor penguins. One way to lower your contribution to the plastic plight is to buy products made of post-consumer recycled content. Ultimately you can only purchase the products available to you, and here at Delphis Eco, we offer refills on a range of our products so that you will be all kitted out for the festive season. 

     Here are our top ten Green Christmas tips: 

    1. Use eco-friendly cleaning products that don't harm the planet but get the job done!
    2. Donate your untouched food item to your local food bank  
    3. Eat less meat - Christmas is the perfect opportunity to try something new 
    4. Try out your local refill shop to dodge the unnecessary packaging at your supermarket 
    5. Buy your food from suppliers that use minimal packaging 
    6. Get all your food in one trip or order online if it's more convenient  
    7. Buy loose fruit and veg to avoid unnecessary single-use plastic
    8. Try and reduce your food waste by buying only what you need 
    9. Invest in some reusable wax wraps and foil liners (foil is recyclable in most cases but check with your local authority)
    10. Store your leftovers in the freezer

    Written by Ellie Meredith

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    COP27- From What To How

    COP27- From What To How

    As COP27 ends, we reflect on the discussions surrounding the global climate change conference and what we can take away to tackle this global fight. The annual conference presents opportunities for all stakeholders, government leaders and activists to discuss strategies to reduce climate change. The international conference gives global leaders and shareholders the platform to discuss ways to minimise the effects of climate change and the potential impact it could have on the planet. 

    COP27 highlighted a solution-focused approach to minimise global surface temperature. Unlike the most recent Climate Week held in New York, which emphasised the ongoing global climate issues.

    Now climate change specialists are urging global leaders to develop strategies to mitigate the global warming effects on the planet. There is an emphasis on governments working with businesses to accomplish this. Connecting with countries globally to work together is paramount, and this needs to happen with everyone in the same room. 

    Previous COPs emphasised businesses were moving together at the same pace, working together to deliver environmental change. However, with global temperatures reaching record-breaking highs, the race is on, and there has been a shift to urge companies and countries to act as fast as they can.

    COP27 bought speculation concerning whether the COPs are the best way to direct positive action against climate change. One word that circled COP27 was ‘greenwashing’ (deceiving customers by falsely advertising natural, green and eco-friendly products). The growing demand for sustainable products in the market means that everyday brands are renaming, rebranding and repackaging products to keep up to date with customers’ needs, but without holding sustainable values at the core of the business. COP27 presented the opportunity to mitigate greenwashing and bring awareness to the issues at stake when deceiving consumers. The conference reminded us that we each have the responsibility to make conscious decisions, an integral part of our lives to make a significant change.

    We at Delphis Eco are proud to have sustainability at the forefront of our business values, and as a certified B-corp, we make all business decisions with the planet in mind. 

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